Conflict Free Diamonds

We work only with the most reputable and regulated diamond suppliers, adhering to a zero-tolerance policy against conflict diamonds.

Conflict Free Diamonds

Our Conflict Free Diamonds

When you purchase at Brilliance you can be confident that your diamond has been mined and processed in an environmentally and socially conscious manner. Additionally, we exceed regulations set forth by initiatives such as the Kimberley Process, the Patriot Act, and other governmental and non-governmental measures against the illicit acquirement and distribution of diamonds.

We support all programs that encourage the development and regulation of the diamond trade, which continues to serve as a valuable source of employment and revenue for countries throughout the world.

In Compliance with Kimberly Process
Vets Every Diamond Source
Supports the Community
Maintains Safe Labor Practices
Reduce Environmental Damage
Protects Against Human Rights Abuses

The Kimberly Process

The Kimberley Process is an initiative that was launched in conjunction with the United Nations and the gemstone industry in an effort to rid the market of conflict diamonds, which have historically been used for the illicit funding of brutal wars. The ultimate objective of the Kimberley Process is for all diamond trading to follow a stabilized, legitimate procedure while complying with all environmental and social regulations.

Today, approximately 99.8% of the world’s diamond distributors adhere to all guidelines of the Kimberley Process as a means of boycotting conflict diamonds. Since its inception, the initiative has resulted in a significant decrease in the flow of conflict diamonds. In addition to working to eliminate conflict diamonds, the Kimberley Process has also worked to boost the economic development of impoverished countries by increasing the flow of legitimately acquired diamonds into the jewelry market.

Kimberly Process
The US Patriot Act

The US Patriot Act

Passed by Congress in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the USA Patriot Act grants federal officials more power to monitor communications and trade between countries. Among the Act’s objectives is to impose regulations to prevent the laundering of money and high-value gems, including polished diamonds.

Patriot Act mandates that all U.S. jewelry distributors and sellers comply with the Kimberley Process to help ensure that the industry’s diamonds are purchased from reputable suppliers. Brilliance is proud to be in full compliance with the Kimberley Process.

The US Patriot Act

Where Our Diamonds Are Found

Where Diamonds Are Found

Click & take a look at where exactly our natural diamonds originate from.

Recycled & Eco-Friendly Metals

Gold and platinum mining can be very harmful to the environment and depletes earth’s natural resources, with almost 20 tons of ore required to produce a single engagement ring. In addition, many mines emit destructive substances such as cyanide and mercury, polluting nearby rivers and streams.

Mining of precious metals has also been associated with inhumane labor practices and severe disregard for the indigenous communities in the areas surrounding the mines. As part of our commitment to maintain the highest standards of environmental responsibility, all of our engagement rings and fine jewelry are comprised of 100% recycled precious metals.

Recycled and Eco-Friendly Metals
Helping The Earth with Metal

Helping The Earth with Metal

By using recycled gold, platinum, and silver, we are decreasing the global demand for newly mined precious metals, thereby exhibiting our staunch support for ethical standards in jewelry production.

Our recycled metals are gathered from post-consumer sources and refined back to their original, pure elements so that there is no degradation in quality. Using these metals, combined with our specialized in-house casting process, we produce the highest quality jewelry that is the hallmark of Brilliance.

Helping The Earth with Metal
Expert Guidance
Need help or guidance? Speak with our Diamond & Jewelry Experts at 866-737-0754
Expert Guidance
Need help or guidance? Speak with our Diamond & Jewelry Experts at 866-737-0754