What are Certified Diamonds?

Certified diamonds are diamonds that have been assessed and graded by a reputable gemological laboratory based on the 4C's—cut, color, clarity, and carat weight. When shopping for a diamond, it is highly recommended to purchase a certified diamond to ensure that you are paying the right price based on the actual value of the diamond and to guarantee that you are getting a real diamond.

Diamond Certificate vs. Diamond Appraisal

Some retailers will pass off a diamond appraisal as a diamond certificate when there is a significant difference between the two documents.

A diamond certificate is an unbiased analysis of the stone's quality prepared by a gemological laboratory. It provides information on the diamond quality and the physical characteristics of the diamond.

A diamond appraisal estimates a diamond's worth based on the current market conditions and quality. It is typically prepared by the seller of the diamond to denote the estimated value for insurance purposes.

Diamond Certificate vs. Diamond Appraisal

Purchasing Certified Diamonds

When purchasing certified diamonds, make sure that the diamond certification is from a third-party laboratory rather than one associated with the store, jeweler, or diamond wholesaler, who may offer a biased opinion to facilitate the sale. Also, verify that the third-party laboratory has a history of stringent grading practices and that they've been in business long enough to establish a solid reputation in the jewelry industry.

Brilliance recommends the following major lab entities, in order of preference: GIA (Gemological Institute of America), AGS (American Gem Society), IGI (International Gemological Institute), EGL (European Gemological Laboratories), HRD (Hoge Raad voor Diamant, translated as Diamond High Council).

Certificate vs. Appraisal

Value in Diamond Certification

Certified diamonds have been verified for quality, allowing consumers to purchase with confidence based on the attributes of the diamond, rather than blindly trusting the sales pitch of the retailer. When armed with a grading certificate, consumers have a pretty good idea of what the diamond will look like without having to see it in person.

Certified diamonds also:

  • Hold their value better than their non-certified counterparts, espeially fcor resale and upgrading purposes
  • Simplify the comparison process, as it is much easier to compare certified diamonds based on the 4Cs than it is to rely on visual inspection alone
  • Broaden the shopping base to include online retailers, resulting in significant savings

Diamond Shape, Color, & Carat Weight

Choose a diamond shape that flatters your hand and complements your style. Round diamonds exceed all other shapes in their ability to reflect light. Learn more about diamond shape here.

When choosing a diamond carat weight, look for the largest size within your price range that is still good quality. Do not sacrifice quality for size; remember that bigger isn't necessarily better. Learn more about diamond carat here.

In terms of diamond color, the less color, actually the better. Diamonds are color graded on a scale from D-Z, with D as the most desirable and highly valuable. To learn more about diamond color, click here.

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Diamond Cut, Clarity, & Fluorescence

A diamond's cut is graded from Excellent/Ideal to Poor. The better the cut grade, the more brilliance and sparkle the diamond will emit. Learn more about diamond cut here.

While flawless is best, diamonds usually have inclusions or minor internal imperfections that make up the 'fingerprint' of the diamond. It is best to look for inclusions that are not noticeable to the naked eye. The grading scale ranges from FL - I3. Learn more about clarity here.

Diamond fluorescence, conversely, is a diamond's tendency to emit a soft glow when subjected to ultraviolet light. Diamond fluorescence is graded from None to Very Strong. Although fluorescence doesn't usually affect the diamond's quality, it's best to go for None, Faint, or Medium grades.

Cut, Clarity & Fluorescence

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